Starting a School
It is important to understand that what you read on this page is only the pathway suggested by Southern Cross Educational Enterprises Ltd to successfully using the A.C.E. program. The items on this page are not exhaustive and each school ministry will need to seek appropriate guidance for all legal issues in their locality.
Important Documents
In A Class Of Your Own – information on how to start your own A.C.E. School.
Ten Steps to starting your Christian School
1. Gather Information
Contact Southern Cross Educational Enterprises Ltd and request a free catalogue, curriculum samples and standard service agreement. Preparation time for starting a school would be a minimum of six months. Some state authorities require even more notice. Ensure that prayer and time are given to the task of preparation.
2. Register with Education Authority
Follow the requirements for registering with your national/state Department of Education. Check with the relevant state authorities regarding taxation, industrial relations and health and safety regulations.
3. Schedule a Presentation
Contact the Manager of the Schools’ Services Department at Southern Cross Educational Enterprises Ltd and schedule a presentation to leaders, prospective parents and other interested folk. At that presentation have questions prepared for the SCEE representative.
4. Visit a School using A.C.E.
Ask the Schools’ Services Department at SCEE to set up a visit to an appropriate school to see the A.C.E. program in action.
5. Finalise your Commitment
The Leader(s) of your ministry should finalise their commitment to a Christian School ministry by signing the Standard Service Agreement, paying the Start-up fee and sending both to Southern Cross Educational Enterprises Ltd. In return SCEE will send you a start-up kit which includes Procedures Manuals and Training PACEs for two key senior staff; e.g., Principal and Administrator.
6. Complete A.C.E. Training Course
Everyone involved in the running of the school needs to complete the A.C.E. training course. It is essential that all staff be trained before they commence in the school. At least 40 hours should be allocated to complete the training and a certificate will be issued to each person who successfully completes this course.
7. Implement Procedures
Using the procedures you learned at the training and being guided by the Procedures Manual, prepare for school opening. Follow the furniture drawings that are in the Administration Manual so as to equip the learning centre with student offices, score stations and other program specific furniture.
8. Final Preparations
Hold a staff meeting, approximately six weeks prior to your planned opening of the school, and complete a checklist of tasks to be done. Interview prospective students/parents; administer diagnostic tests; order curriculum.
9. Open your School
Prepare for excitement. Make the first day a celebration event. Invite dignitaries and actively present the aims of the school to the greater community.
10. Stay in Touch
Keep in touch and let us know how you are going. If you have questions or need help, contact Southern Cross Educational Enterprises.
To start a school in Australia, first contact Southern Cross Educational Enterprises Ltd using the contact me page and a staff member will contact you.